Travel Day Preparations

Happy Friday! It was an early start to the day here at the Pierson house. Evan is always an early bird, and has that unusual quality of being the most cheerful version of himself before the sun rises. Seriously, the man tries to rouse me from my slumbers with made-up jingles and random songs, most of which I hear for just a second before diving back under the covers. But today I had the task opportunity to rise and shine with my better half (seriously my much better half at that hour). 

Because there's lots on the agenda today!

1 - Watch this How I Met Your Mother video to get some packing tips:

2 - Remind self to find trusty hand's-free belt satchel

3 - Check the weather for my weekend locale: 

4 - Wake up Mr. Purple

5 - Sketch out a meticulously detailed route to the donut shop. Return route must include stop for first and second and third donut breaks. Don't forget to leave room in carry-on for my stash of buttermilk donuts. And another stash for Mr. P. 

6 - Select airplane reading material 
(I've had this book on my shelf for years and I think it has finally "ripened")

7 - Be a grown-up and get some work done ... trying to do a few hours from home for one job, followed by another few hours on site at my other job 
(okay, so this may actually be the majority of my day. Not as fun to write about though, is it?)

8 - Look at photos of hot air balloons for half an hour to prepare for the big St. Louis hot air balloon festival this weekend. Get sidetracked and start searching for your copy of James and the Giant Peach to see if a peach could ever really fly. 
(but seriously, there's a hot air balloon light show tonight I'm super excited for, if it doesn't get rained out)

9 - Consider aborting plans and flying to NC instead when your sister sends you a photo collage of her new puppy: Alfred Pennyworth. (don't worry Kirst, I'd choose donuts you over a puppy any day)

10 - Check flight loads to see if I will even get on the airplane. 23 seats open on the 3pm, I'm number 9 on the list. Not too shabby. I'll try my chances. 
(But all it takes is one cancelled flight and I'm out of the game! #livingontheedge)

11 - Cross fingers (and toes!)

Wondering how we're flying standby this summer? Read about Evan's job at the airport here.

Summer 2013 Destinations:

Fairbanks, Alaska (I have more to say about this amazing trip!)
New Jersey (and some NYC)St. Louis, Part 1
TO COME: New Jersey, Part 2; North Carolina; Colorado

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