{1} I know I'm not the only one who looks forward to the New Year. Magazines are overflowing with ways to "freshen up" your workout routine, meal plans and daily beauty regimen; the gym is packed with those resolution-seeking hopefuls who are at least committed to starting the year out right; and there's a general sense of ambition in the air. As I've often said, I love the morning because it's ripe with potential - like a basket of freshly sharpened pencils on the first day of school (name that movie!). And of course the New Year is like the ultimate morning. So what do I do, along with all the other Type-A's out there? Why I write up some resolutions, of course. I like to have a few tangible, quantitative goals, and a few other more open-ended ones - and never too many that you forget to stick them out! Here are a few of mine this year:
1 - Read 13 books (or 15?), which shouldn't be hard except that I read really slowly (that's what happens when you spend your day as a copy editor!)
2 - Take the stairs. This means hiking up the 5 flights (= 10) at work every day, and whenever else I can use a little extra horsepower to get myself from A to B.
3 - Complete a sugar cleanse (1 week) at some point. Evan is challenging himself in the food department this year, so I thought it would be good for me to have my own goals. I'm also hoping to kick my bedtime-snack habit, but unfortunately I think my love for yogurt + granola is greater than my resolve on this one ; )
4 - Be a better friend to Evan. Although we really are great "friends," we are very different people with separate hobbies and interests. So I want to make an effort to partake in more of his interests, such as attending more sporting events.
5 - Remember: comparison is the thief of joy.
"I believe we can all do a better job of practicing peace in many areas of our lives - with our words, with our entertainment, with our deeds, with those we love and those we don't. That's what I am feeling on this birthday of MLK Jr."
Good words and quite a challenge for most of us, don't you think? I like that she includes entertainment in there, because so often we forget that we have choice in that area of our life.
-Visit a chiropractor. I know, not the first thing that comes to mind, unless you're thinking about back pain, but I started seeing a chiropractor over a year and a half ago, and haven't gotten full-out sick since. A coincidence? Perhaps. But getting adjusted is thought to boost your immune system and keeps everything functioning in tip-top-shape (since your spine sends signals to every organ/system in your body, a healthy spine = a healthy body). I hope I haven't jinxed myself now! ... and I realize chiropractic treatment isn't everyone's cup o' tea.
-Eat less sugar. Since sugar is known to lower your immune system, I try not eat a lot of dessert or sugary drinks, especially during cold/flu season or if I feel a cold coming on. I've heard doctors mention one of the reasons people get sick after the holidays isn't just because they've been cooped up indoors together - they've also been consuming loads of immune-suppressant sugar. Truth or not, I have no idea, but it seems to do the trick for me.
-Wash out your Nose and Spray your Throat. Read more and watch a video here, featuring my doppelganger/twin!
-Work out. Not a great idea if you're already sick, but maintaining a workout schedule, even a mild one, keeps the blood flowing, toxins releasing, and makes for an all-around healthier person.
What health tricks do YOU have up your sleeve?
Here's the story behind Notes from C here.
Read past Notes from C here.
We have some exciting house projects to reveal soon ... kitchen is a few piddly projects away from being donezo and I've finally started tackling the upstairs (which I've never shown here on the ol' blog).
A good read, C, as usual :)