Introducing our new Sisters Blog!

Happy Saturday everyone!

I have some house updates to show you, but while I type that up and work on the pictures, I wanted to share with you a new blog you might like.

As many of you know, I am blessed with three wonderful sisters. We are pretty close in age - about six years total (and I'm only 13 months younger than the first!). Since we're spread across the country, we don't actually all get together more than once or twice a year. : (  But that is no reason why we still can't be CLOSE. I think my family has mastered the long-distance family relationship, if I do say so myself! My parents are both originally from western South Dakota, but they raised us girls out east (NYC for a bit then good ol' NJ). Every summer we'd trek out west, usually in a horse-drawn buggy on a four-day road trip, to spend weeks with both sets of grandparents and cousins, so the long distance thing has been ingrained in us since we were little. You just have to make it work. Currently, my parents live in New Jersey, I'm in Minneapolis, Kirsten is in St. Louis, Karrin is in upstate New York, and Sarah is about 15 minutes from me - but will be off to Alaska in June. I think I call my mom at least once a day and one or two sisters or my dad every day as well. We are big on computer Video Chats and iPhone Face Timing, and we all make an effort to get together whenever we can.

When I was little, I often remarked to one of my grandparents, "I wish that we lived where we live and you lived where you live but there just wasn't so much land in between."

Isn't that the truth?

But since land cannot be pushed aside, lengthy interstates cannot be avoided, we must find ways to conquer this distance. And that's where a little thing called the internet (name that TV-show!) comes into play.

May I introduce to you FourSisiters - KCKS, our new sisters blog where we'll keep each other (and anyone else who cares to follow along) updated on the adventures of our life. From random thoughts and ideas to local restaurant reviews to house project to travel essays and beyond, this little blog will share our journey together as sisters living apart.

Check it out! Karrin already posted about her recent travels in Madagascar!

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