Peach Pie

As you already know, I *love* peaches. And everything made with peaches. And since peach season is just about over, my sister Sarah and I decided to make a pie! 

We already had a frozen crust in the freezer, otherwise we may have attempted to make one from scratch. But this one worked just fine as a temporary little home for our peaches before we sliced her up nicely devoured the entire thing.

Notice how we still wove the pieces together to make it look more rustic and homemade? Tricky tricky. If you're wondering what that dark stuff is going on in our pie, it's blueberries. We didn't have quite enough peaches to fill 'er up (not because we "sampled" some of the peaches earlier, no, why do you ask?) so we tossed in a handfull of blueberries from the freezer. Worked well and gave our pie a little more color! 

This is where I got inspired to make a peach pie. Definitely didn't do the homemade crust (shhh!) but I followed her directions for the filling. We'll tackled the from-scratch crust next year ...

Here's what we did:

2 frozen pie crusts (or go for it, and make one from scratch!)

5 cups sliced peaches (about 3 large ones)
1/4 cup sugar
1.5 tbsp cornstarch
juice of one lemon
pinch of ground cinnamon

Put one of the crusts (dough) in bottom of pie pan (roll it out a bit if you need), and prick the bottom with a fork.

Peal peaches (trick: drop them in boiling water for 10 seconds and the skin will just fall off!), slice peaches in half, remove pit, then slice again.

Mix up the filling in a bowl and pour filling into pie pan.

Cut strips out of other pie crust dough (using a pastry knife if you're fancy, or we just used a regular ol' knife). Place on top of pie one at a time, trying to weave it all together. Trim edges.

Brush some egg whites on top of the finished lattice-top and sprinkle with more cinnamon.

bake at 400 for 34 min. or until golden brown.

What is your favorite kind of pie? Are you a berry and fruit lover like me, or perhaps you crave the whipped topping variety, say Banana Cream Pie? Evan made a Key Lim Pie a few weeks ago when we had some friends over, and it was dynamite! I'll have to include that recipe soon.

Sick of peaches already? Bring on the apples! (I promise, this is the last peach post of the season!)

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