Evan's Weekend Highlight

Winning his eighth-grade girls basketball tourney!

He's a coach, not a player ; )

Congratulations Mr. P!

(Somehow his trophy girl managed to lose an arm on her way home from the game)


  1. Congratulations to a great coach! Even though I've never played for him, I know he's good....and now he has the trophy to prove it.

  2. The trophy just looks more like a classical sculpture now that she's missing an arm :)

  3. Hahhaa, so true!

    And mom, Evan says there's a place for you on his next team! Tryouts are in a week ; )

  4. Yay! Great job Evan and team! Now you and Michael Scott have one thing in common!

  5. Carolyn-you wrote eight grade instead of eighth grade...I thought the copy editor should know =) And CONGRATULATIONS to Evan!!

  6. Thanks Karrin! All better now : )

  7. Yes, Michael Scott is quite the role model ; )

  8. Way to go Coach Evan!!!! I'm sure it feels good to get a win under your belt. Now the next one will come easier. Congrats to you and your team!!! Dad


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