i SAW that!

Have you seen what we've been up to lately at the Pierson house? A couple weeks ago our bathroom looked like this:
old door removed, new door waiting in line ; )
And that's still what it looked like when my mom came to visit for a few days!
But we quickly remedied that with a little help from this (purchased off of Craigslist for just $70, and will double up to help Denny on the farm):
trusty little lamp helped out too
Look at those teeth!
After a little fun in the garage with sawdust,

and a lot of help from Denny,

Notice his awesome $1 glasses! I love them! : )
This was before E found his trusty safety goggles -- Mary's reading glasses worked pretty well!
We have one new perfectly trimmed door! Although we are having trouble with the bathroom frame apparently swelling every day as sometimes the door will close and other times it won't. But we don't really want to close the door yet anyway as we are still handle-less and could easily find ourselves stuck inside! Hopefully we will tackle that project this weekend.

Any door-hanging sleuths out there? If you have any tips of the trade we'd love to hear them as we have 5 more doors to replace in the coming months!

Question: does anyone know how to add an audio clip to a blog? Evan thought it would be fun to upload a song from the Doors to this post... clever, eh?

**Interested in reading up on our great bathroom project? Here's how our spontaneity almost got us in over our heads! The middle of this post shows Evan the bathroom tiler hard at work. And here is some more background on the early stages of our homeownership -- and you can see us (and my dad) donning our plumbing hats!


  1. Great lighting on those door trimming shots. You got a great deal on the saw!

  2. Yes, it took me a while to get the settings right... would've been even better had I remembered to use my tripod!


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