The Man in Black

Last night Evan performed as the lead singer in the staff band at the LNHS variety show! He sang Jimmy Eat World "In the Middle", Johnny Cash "Ring of Fire", and Red Hot Chili Peppers "Dani California". It was a hit! I am uploading "Ring of Fire" for your viewing pleasure as it best showcases Evan's bass voice. I was in the last row and without zooming capabilities, so the video image is rather small... but you can hear it! If E gives me permission perhaps I'll upload the other two songs later ; )

Upon popular demand I am releasing Dani California!


  1. Loved it! And so glad Carolyn was able to hear it. It sounds like the students liked it too.

  2. Awesome performance!
    Dad and Mom

  3. Oh my gosh, this just made my night! Evan, you're really quite a good singer, especially while drinking that beer, hehe.



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